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Gloucestershire, England : Classification : Hearth / Window Tax

The Hearth Tax was levied between 1662 and 1689 on each householder according to the number of hearths in the dwelling. The tax was introduced in England and Wales by the government of Charles II. Window Tax was a tax on windows or similar openings, levied from 1696 until it was abolished in 1851.

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Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Other Records
Title:BENDING Family History
Description:BENDING Family History
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Street Directories / Gazetteers / Maps, Post Office / Telephone Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Land Tax / Lay Subsidy, Tithe Records, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records
Title:British History Online
Description:British History Online
Extra Info:A variety of records and documents relating to the medieval and modern history of the British Isles.
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Religious Lists / Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Poor Rate
Title:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Description:CLUETT / CLEWETT Records and One Name Study
Extra Info:Part way down the home page is the Search link.
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Tithe Records, Valuation Books, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Description:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Post Office / Telephone Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Land Tax / Lay Subsidy, Tithe Records, School / Educational Records / Alumni, Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Poor Rate, Other Records
Title:DIBDEN One Name Study
Description:DIBDEN One Name Study, Including Variants
Extra Info:Many references to the DIBDEN name.
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Other Records
Title:FE(A)THERSTON((E)HAUGH) One Name Study
Description:FE(A)THERSTON((E)HAUGH) One Name Study
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Religious Lists / Records, Information, Other Records
Title:Open Library
Description:Open Library - Scanned Books Online
Extra Info:Use the search facility and select e-books only. Some English trade directories, journals, historic accounts of counties and more.
Classification:Post Office / Telephone Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc.
Title:RAMSDALE Family Register
Description:RAMSDALE Family Register
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Institutions / Workhouses / Hospitals etc., Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Poll / Electoral / Voters Registers, Associations and Civil Officials Lists, Religious Lists / Records, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Occupations / Trades / Apprentices, Other Records, Journals / Diaries
Title:Selected Genealogical Records
Description:Selected Genealogical Records
Extra Info:A selection of transcriptions including extacts from Army lists, bankrupts, a list of people in Cornwall in past times, a list of coastguards in 1851, Hammermen and more.
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Other Taxes - such as Horse Tax, Tithe Records, Register & Rent Rolls, Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Poll / Electoral / Voters Registers, Religious Lists / Records, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Occupations / Trades / Apprentices, Other Records
Title:STERRY One Name Study
Description:STERRY One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes STERRY apprentices, London guilds, manorial records, newspaper extracts and more

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