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Lanarkshire, Scotland : Classification : Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records

Emmigration and immigration records provide useful information about our ancestors' movement around the world. For every emmigration record there is often a matching immigration record. Often the details differ, so it worth looking for both.

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Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Photographs / Pictures
Title:1820 British Settlers to South Africa
Description:1820 British Settlers to South Africa
Extra Info:Information about the 1820 British settlers to South Africa, including transcribed letters, photographs and pictures of some of the settlers and a forum.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:1820 Settler Correspondence - Cape of Good Hope
Description:Letters from the Settlers of the Cape of Good Hope
Extra Info:This correspondence concerns the immigration scheme for the Cape of Good Hope following the Napoleonic Wars.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:British Home Children
Description:British Home Children - Information and Database
Extra Info:Canada's leading organization for the British Home Children.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:British Home Children Registry
Description:British Home Children Advocacy and Researcg Assocication
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa
Description:British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa
Extra Info:Click on projects. Includes lists of the 'home children' the children who travelled to Canada between 1869-1932.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Castle Garden Immigration Centre (USA)
Description:Castle Garden Immigration Centre (USA) - (1820-1892)
Extra Info:Immigration centre prior to Ellis Island. Search by name of the individual fro the 11 million immigrants, or by ship.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Other Records
Title:CLENDIN and variants such as GLENDINNING One Name Study
Description:Clendin, Glendinning and variants One Name Study
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Hearth / Window Tax, Tithe Records, Valuation Books, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Description:DALTON Data Bank and One Name Study
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Other Records
Title:Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations
Link:Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations
Description:Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775
Extra Info:Includes information on the ships they were sent on as well as the master of the ship.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Directory of Scots in the Carolinas
Link:Directory of Scots in the Carolinas
Description:Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830
Extra Info:In some cases includes birthdate and place in Scotland as well as occupation.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825
Link:Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825
Description:Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825
Extra Info:This volume brings together a list of all Scots emigrants appearing in ships' passenger lists before 1825.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Ellis Island Foundation
Description:Ellis Island - Port of New York Passenger Records 1892-1954
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Emigration Database
Description:Emigration Database from the Dunbrody Famine Ship Website
Extra Info:The Dunbrody famine ship carried many Irish passenger to America. Although this website includes a database of Irish emigration many of those on the list are English, Welsh and Scottish.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Genes Reunited : Search Passport Applications
Link:Genes Reunited : Search passport applications
Description:Search UK Passport Applications 1851 to 1903
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
Description:Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
Extra Info:Includes records by ship, by departure point, by arrival point and also name search. Over 9000 ships passenger lists online.
Classification:Religious Lists / Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Other Records
Title:Lanarkshire Miscellany
Description:Lanarkshire Miscellany
Extra Info:An archived copy of a site no longer available. Most information is still available. Includes Lanark emigrants in Victoria, Australia.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool
Description:List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool 1697-1707
Extra Info:Online book. Some interesting spellings and some occupations and final destinations also recorded.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Description:LUCY and LUCEY Genealogy
Extra Info:LUCY and LUCEY's arriving in Australia, convicts, and more.
Classification:Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Photographs / Pictures, Journals / Diaries
Title:Moving Here - 200 years of Migration to England
Description:Moving Here - 200 years of Migration to England
Extra Info:This is an archived copy of a site that is no longer active. Most information and photographs still seem to be available.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Information, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Passenger Lists and Emigrant Ships
Description:Passenger Lists and Emigrant Ships
Extra Info:Includes some searchable passenger lists. also information about the ships and lists documenting their individual voyages, as well as pictures of the ships.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Passenger Lists to New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigration
Link:New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Description:New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
Extra Info:Assisted immigrants had their passages subsidized or paid for by another person or agency. This collection is four different series of records. Information listed may include name, age, and native place.
Classification:School / Educational Records / Alumni, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs
Description:PINCKNEY - The site for all UK PINCKNEYs and Variants
Extra Info:Includes PINCKNEYs at Oxford and Cambridge and those who emigrated abroad.
Classification:Commercial / Trade Directories, Street Directories / Gazetteers / Maps, Newspapers, Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Occupations / Trades / Apprentices
Title:Scotland Data from Ancestry
Link:Scotland Data from Ancestry
Description:Scotland Data Collection from Ancestry
Extra Info:Includes Emmigrants and Immigrants; Numerous Directories and Gazetteers and more.
Classification:Land Tax / Lay Subsidy, Institutions / Workhouses / Hospitals etc., School / Educational Records / Alumni, Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Minute Books / Meeting Books, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Other Records
Title:Scottish Archive Network
Description:Scottish Archive Network
Extra Info:Click on Digital Archive for online documents.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:Scottish Emigration Database
Description:Scottish Emigration Database
Extra Info:Can search by name, by ship, occupation and more.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:South African Passenger Lists
Description:South African Passenger Lists
Extra Info:The eGSSA branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa has embarked on a project to transcribe all the passenger lists in the South African Archives.
Classification:Ships Passenger / Crew / Owners Lists, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records
Title:South African Passenger Lists and Settlers
Description:South African Passenger Lists and Settlers
Extra Info:Includes passenger lists from London, Glasgow, Liverpool etc. to Natal (Durban) and Cape Town. Also includes details of Haidee settlers.
Classification:Prisoner / Trial / Conviction / Court Records, Migrant / Emmigration Lists and Records, Military Lists, Muster Rolls etc., Poor Rate, Journals / Diaries
Title:The National Archives Online Collections
Description:The National Archives - Collection of Digitised Public Records

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